is a platform designed to help users create custom AI chatbots for their websites. Here's a summary of what the platform offers:
- Custom AI Chatbot Creation:
- Users can create custom AI chatbots tailored to their needs.
- The platform allows for the creation of ChatGPT-trained bots based on website and company data1.
- 24/7 Autonomous Assistance:
- Provides 24/7 autonomous assistance, offering round-the-clock support to customers even outside regular working hours2.
- Pricing:
- The platform appears to have different pricing plans, including a free plan as suggested in the pricing section3.
- Privacy and Data Handling:
- is noted as the Data Controller of your Personal Data, with a Privacy Policy detailing information collection and usage4.
- Terms and Conditions:
- The Terms and Conditions section outlines liabilities and acknowledges that the AI provided on the platform may not be expert and could be prone to errors5.